Tin Whisker Mitigation Strategies

Tin Whisker Mitigation

Tin "Whisker" shown above growing between pure tin-plated hook terminals of an electromagnetic. Photo courtesy of NASA

Wide View of Pin and Tin Whiskers

Wide view of pin shows some tin whiskers

Tin Whiskers

Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

Tin Whisker vs Human Hair

Photo courtesy of NASA

Tin whiskers are electrically conductive, crystalline metal microfilaments. Growing from surfaces where tin is used as a finishing material, such as the base metals on a printed circuit board, components, or similar assemblies. These microfilaments can lead to a high likelihood of product failure, causing shorts, metal vapor arcs, and other electronic malfunctions.

Since the implementation of RoHS, which prohibits lead-alloyed metals in PCBs, tin whiskers and their challenges have become more prevalent. As a result, many military, aerospace, medical, and other high-end, high-reliability electronic products can be affected by tin whiskers, which have adversely affected the functionality of complete systems and components for many years. Contact Us

Conformal Coating Services for Tin Whisker Mitigation

Plasma Ruggedized Solutions offers various tin whisker mitigation strategies to protect your components and assemblies from failure caused by tin whiskers. Conformal coatings have proven effective in reducing and preventing tin whiskers, and we offer several conformal coating materials to ensure the performance of electronic applications. Resulting in a finish that is more resistant to tin whisker growth, we have developed conformal coating materials for tin whisker mitigation, including:

  • Acrylics
  • Polyurethanes
  • Epoxies
  • Silicones
  • Parylenes

Urethane and parylene are highly effective conformal coating materials for mitigating tin whiskers. Due to durability and resistance to humidity and organic solvents, polyurethane coatings are ideal for applications with high chemical exposure. Similarly, parylene is chemically inert and features a high tensile strength to maintain stability in a range of temperatures, making these materials favorable for protective coating solutions.

In addition to our proprietary formulations, we utilize softer coating solutions that put less physical stress on the treated assemblies while delivering excellent protection against tin whiskers. Request a Quote

Other Strategies for Tin Whisker Reduction and Prevention

We have developed various processes for mitigating tin whiskers, including potting/encapsulation with silicones and epoxies for assemblies and components. With the proper mass and thickness, these materials will prevent tin whiskers and effectively control the growth of existing microfilaments. Our solutions include layered methodology application processes and various material combinations—such as silicone and parylene—that can be customized to fit application requirements.

Plasma Ruggedized Solutions is committed to innovation, developing a number of next-generation solutions for protection against tin whiskers. Our latest project involves a new, improved material for conformal coatings, offering superior tin whisker prevention and growth reduction with outstanding versatility. As with all our services, we strive for effective solutions with leading tin whisker mitigation technology.

Factors Influencing Tin Whisker Mitigation Strategies

Many factors play into the success of tin whisker mitigation solutions. The cleanliness of printed circuit boards is crucial to the performance of tin whisker prevention, as well as prioritizing low-stress conformal coatings to ensure long-term reliability.

We offer assistance with engineering and design to address potential challenges and guarantee the highest level of success for tin whisker mitigation. Allowing optimum space for proper conformal coating application while keeping tin whisker growth to a minimum, we can assist with material and alloy selections, part placement, and other aspects of the manufacturing process.

Tin Whisker Mitigation for All Metals

Tin whiskers are a predominant metal growth in the industry, but all noble metals and some alloys can develop whiskers over time. Conformal coating applications are one of the only methods to prevent whisker growth on all metals and alloys. Our tin whisker mitigation strategies can be applied to any metal to reduce—and nearly eliminate—the development of whiskers.

Highly Effective Conformal Coatings for Tin Whisker Prevention

Plasma Ruggedized Solutions’ conformal coating services are effective for tin whisker mitigation in various ways. Our conformal coatings create a barrier against nature, protecting the metal substrates in PCBs and assemblies from exposure to environmental factors leading to tin whisker spread, such as:

  • Oxidation
  • Moisture
  • Harsh Temperatures
  • Corrosive Gases

These coatings create a physical barrier that is difficult to penetrate, preventing tin whisker formation and reducing expansion. If tin whiskers develop, they are constrained and held in place, protecting against unwanted electrical connections that can destroy PCBs and assemblies.

Protecting Against Tin Whiskers with Superior Potting/Encapsulation Services

Potting/Encapsulation services from Plasma Ruggedized Solutions are highly effective tin whisker mitigation strategies. Due to the increased mass of the coating materials, assemblies and PCBs are immersed in a protective barrier, limiting exposure to environmental factors and mechanical stresses that may induce tin whiskers. Potting/encapsulation ensures maximum protection against aggressive tin whisker development.

Contact Plasma Ruggedized for Tin Whiskers Mitigation Solutions

Since the earliest days of our company, Plasma Ruggedized Solutions has been a leading provider of superior tin whisker mitigation services. Our experts can provide a range of solutions to protect your assemblies and components from tin whisker growth and the potential challenges that arise. Contact us with your questions about tin whisker mitigation or request a quote for one of our protective and preventative services.

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